The forensic report of nuclear scientist L.Mahalingam has reportedly of foul play behind his "unnatural death."
The Forensic Science Department on Monday submitted the report which said there were no traces of poison in Mr Mahalingam's viscera, oficial sources said.
Though police is awaiting a final report from doctors, it indicates a case of suicide. Mahalingam went missing on June 8 and his body was found in Kali river.
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Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
At 2 am on Saturday, Isro chairman gopalan Madhavan Nair was woken up by his colleagues with a devastating piece of news: India's first mooncraft, Chandrayaan-I, was lost.
the spacecraft's radio contact with the mission command at Deep space Network at Byalalu, 40 km from the city, snapped at 1.30 am, and efforts to restore it remained futile.
Mr Nair's colleagues plan to make another attempt to re-establish the communication link on Saturday night. A sense of despair, however, has already set in among space of despair, however, has already set in among space scientists because they are convinced that Chandrayaan-I has met with an early end.
"We have no clue yet (about what went wrong). It is very difficult to predict the chances of recovering the spacecraft," Mr Nair said.
Shakuntala Devi, Indian scientist
Shakuntala Devi""1Shakuntala Devi is generally known as a `Human Computer` because of her extraordinary talents in solving complex mathematical problems without any mechanical aid. Yet, Shakuntala Devi dislikes being called the `human computer` as she strongly believes that people have minds better than any computer. Her passionate interest in exploring and expanding the learning capacity of the human mind led her to develop the concept of `mind dynamics`. Shakuntala Devi has spelled bound and challenged the world with her unique talents.
Genius Shakuntala Devi born on 4th November 1939 in Bangalore India. She was born in a well-known Brahmin priests family. Her father performed magic tricks in schools and colleges. She was doing card tricks with him when she was only three. Shakuntala Devi received her early lessons in mathematics from her grandfather. By the age of five she became an expert in complex mental arithmetic and was recognized as a child prodigy. She demonstrated her talents to a large assembly of students and professors at the University of Mysore a year later. At the age of eight she had success at Annamalai University by doing the same.
In 1977 she extracted the 23rd root of a 201-digit number mentally. On June 18, 1980 she demonstrated the multiplication of two 13-digit numbers 7,686,369,774,870 x 2,465,099,745,779 which was picked at random by the Computer Department of Imperial College, London. She answered the question in 28 seconds. Her correct answer was 18,947,668,177,995,426,462,773,730. This extraordinary incident found her a place in the Guinness book of World records.
Through her expertise she also motivates the young minds to discover the world of mathematics. She maintains that a child`s curiosity and receptivity during infancy and childhood can never be matched, and we must nurture the young minds by offering the right learning process and motivation to develop the innate strengths possessed by every child. She has been traveling around the globe performing for the student community, Presidents, Politicians, Prime Ministers and Educationalists.
She shares some of the methods of mental calculations in her world famous book `figuring: the Joy of Numbers`. `Puzzles to puzzle you`, `More Puzzles to Puzzle you`, `The Book of Numbers`, `Mathability: The Math Genius in Your Child`, `Astrology for you`, `Perfect Murder`, `In the Wonderland of Numbers` which talks about a girl Neha and her fascination for numbers and `Awaken the Genius in Your Child` are some of the books written by her.
She happens to be an outstanding astrologer and gives remedies based on date and time of birth and place. Her clients include celebrities and well known personalities. The Vedic Math Forum India is associated with Shakuntala Devi and plans to organize a workshop with her in the near future.
Mr N.R.Narayana Murthy, Indian Scientist
"I want Infosys to be a place where people of different genders, nationalities, races and religious beliefs work together in an environment of intense competition but utmost harmony, courtesy and dignity to add more and more value to our customers day after day." As said by N.R.Narayana Murthy. He is known to lead an unpretentious lifestyle in his modest residence in Bangalore along with wife Sudha Murthy and has a reputation for being a calm, self-effacing, soft-spoken person and caring father like figure for the employees of Infosys, shunning pricey suits, and avoiding a high-flying lifestyle. He has become the most admired business leader among the business schools in India by his `simple living high thinking` phenomenon.
N.R. Narayana Murthy""1This Indian industrialist, software engineer was born on 20th August 1946 into a Kannadiga Deshatha Brahmin family in Mysore, India. Graduated with a degree in electrical engineering from National Institute of Engineering, University of Mysorein 1967, he received his master degree from IIT Kanpur in 1963. He joined IIM Ahmedabad as chief systems programmer after his Masters degree. At IIM he worked on a time sharing system and designed and implemented a basic inetrpreter for Electronics Corporation of India Limited. Then he has worked for Patni Computer Systems in Pune. At Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co.Ltd he met his wife Sudha Murthy. Mr. Murthy is the brother-in-law of serial entrepreneur Gururaj "Desh" Deshpande and the uncle of former NASSCOM Chairman and Mphasis chief Jerry Rao. Murthy couple moved to Mumbai.
In 1981 with six other software professionals he founded `Infosys`. He has been served as CEO of Infosys for twenty years. Nandan Nilekani, the co-founder of Infosys succeeded Murthy in 2002. he is a member of the Board of Directors of INSEAD, Board of Overseers of the University of Pennsylvania`s Wharton School, Cornell University Board of Trustees, Singapore Management University Board of Trustees and the Board of Advisors for the William F. Achtmeyer Center for Global Leadership at the Tuck School of Business. He is the chairman of the governing body of both the International Institute of Information Technology - Bangalore, and the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Mr. Murthy likewise sits on the Board of Governors of the renowned "Harvard Business School of the East" --- the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), a premier graduate school of business located in the Philippines; one of only two business schools in Asia to be internationally recognized with both AACSB and EQUIS accreditations.
The recipient of numerous awards and honors Narayana murthy in 2000 was awarded a civilian award by the Government of India, the `Padma Shri`. The first recipient of the Indo-French Forum Medal in 2003 by the Indo-French Forum. The award was given in recognition of his role in promoting Indo-French ties. He was voted the World Entrepreneur of the Year - 2003 by Ernst & Young. He was one of the two people named as Asia`s Businessmen of the Year for 2003 by Fortune magazine. In 2001, he was named by TIME / CNN as one of the twenty-five, most influential global executives, a group selected for their lasting influence in creating new industries and reshaping markets. The Max Schmidheiny Liberty 2001 prize was given to Murthy in recognition of his promotion of individual responsibility and liberty. Leading magazine `Business Week` named him as one of the nine entrepreneurs of the year and also featured him in Business Week`s `The Stars of Aia` for three successive years 1998, 1999 and 2000. In 1998, the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, one of the premier institutes of higher learning in India and his former institute, conferred on him the Distinguished Alumnus Award, and in 1996-97, he was awarded the JRD Tata Corporate Leadership Award.
N.R. Narayana Murthy""1In a global study conducted by Burson-Marsteller with the Economist Intelligence Unit in December 2005, Narayana Murthy was voted as the seventh most amired CEO/Chaiman in the world with 14 other renowned name like Bill gates, Steve Jobs and Warrwn Buffett. In May 2006, Narayana Murthy has, for the fifth year running, emerged the most admired business leader of India in a study conducted by Brand-comm, a leading Brand Consulting, Advertising and PR firm. `The Economist`, an English language weekly news and international affairs publication, ranked him 8th among the top 15 most admired global leaders (2005). He was ranked 28th among the world`s most-respected business leaders by the Financial Times (2005). He topped the Economic Times Corporate Dossier list of India`s most powerful CEOs for two consecutive years - 2004 and 2005.
Today, customers, employees, investors and the general public as a highly respected, dynamic and innovative company acknowledge Infosys. In March 1999, Infosys Technologies became the first India-registered company to be listed on an American stock exchange. He says perhaps we are the only nation in the world were people fight to be called backward rather than forward. Therefore we should thank him for bringing India on the world`s IT map and providing jobs to thousands. To him "Performance leads to recognition. Recognition brings respect. Respect enhances power. Humility and grace in one`s moments of power enhances dignity of an organisation,"
Dr. Abraham M. George
After 10 months Goerge was injured due to a dynamite explosion and was advised for rest.After returning from rest he was transferred to Indo-Pak border.After two years he got promotion and he was made Captain. Abraham M. George described about his army life: "There is, I suppose, some stage in each one`s life that has a greater impact on his future than all others. For me, it was these army experiences that helped shape much of my outlook on life.while he was serving as a caption of Indian Army he started suffering from hearing problem.He took medical leave from Indian Army moved to United States for a special surgery.
Dr. Abraham M. George""1At that time his mother was in America and working for NASA as a research scientist.She was also teaching physics in various university.He started new life there and began study again. George got admitted to New York University`s Stern S chool of Business as a graduate student. After few years he became the the citizen of United States. He did his masters in developmental economics and finance.He tried to join World Bank but he was not successful.Then he did his Ph.d and started teaching in various Universities.Later he joined Chemical Bank( this bank is now associated with JP Morgan Chase Bank) as an officer.After serving two years here he decided to start his own business. He established his own company, Multinational Computer Models Inc (MCM).
This company sold computerized financial systems to big multinational company.The system protect those company from international financial risks.Later MCM was associated with Credit Suisse First Boston where George was the Chief financial adviser and Managing Director .In 1998 George sold MCM to SunGard Data Systems. In the early part of 1995 George came back to India after a long time.In India he observed and also came to know from various media about the the injustices and inequalities of Indian society.He also noticed and realized the cause of poverty, illiteracy ,health problem and the poor condition of women in India.He devoted himself in various charitabe works.He founded a non-profit charitable trust named The George Foundation,based in Bangalore.The objective this foundation is to work for various problems of the poor and illeterate people in Indian society.
This foundation has started many projects in poverty eradication,spreading education, health, empowerment of women, press freedom, and other major works for the underprivileged people.This foundation is associated with TGF mission which is working for the promotion of democratic institutions and values. For this work he got several acclaim from the famous people around the world. Pulitzer Prize winner famous writer Thomas Friedman of the New York Times remarked his book, The World is Flat, "We must have more Abraham Georges - everywhere - by the thousands." Abraham George established the Indian Institute of Journalism & New Media, Bangalore where he is the dean.He is working on environmental health problems and giving his full effort to remove Lead and Gasoline and for that he also set up the National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning in India in 2000. Dr. George is currently the Chairman at eMedexOnline LLC, a medical diagnostic software company in the U.S.
As he is a genius in international finance he wrote many books on this subjects including ,International Finance Handbook (2 volumes) published by John Wiley & Sons ,Foreign Book by Dr. Abraham M. George""1exchange Management and the Multinational Corporation,published by Holt, Reinhart and Winston and Protecting Shareholder Value: International Financial Risk Management,published by Prentice Hall.
So far George has written two books on injustices and inequalities of India.One is India Untouched: The Forgotten Face of Rural Poverty, Writer`s Collective and another is Lead Poisoning Prevention and Treatment: Implementing a National Program in Developing Countries.
Apart from that he also penned three dozen articles in international finance and on issues related to global poverty.
He got several awards including ,NYU Stern School of Business` Stewart Satter Social Entrepreneurship Award, USA, Spirit of India Award, America India Foundation, USA,Hind Ratna Award, Non-Resident Indian Association, Delhi,Millennium Awards, Indian American Kerala Cultural and Civic Center, USA. Leia Mais…