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Friday, October 30, 2009
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Swine Flu: Natural Cure and Home Remedies for Swine Flu
What are Swine Flu symptoms? * High temperature * Cough * Shortness of breath, Feel Trouble in breathing
The most significant symptoms of a swine flu infection are the fever with chills, body ache and fatigue, a cough and sore throat, nausea, and diarrhea.
Ayurveda: It has the best form of herbal remedies for swine flu. Ayurvedic medicines are pure natural substances made of herbs and it's very effective in the prevention of swine flu. Ayurvedic medicines used as a remedy to reduce swine flu symptoms contain herbs like neem (Indian lilac), elderberry, ginger and pepper extracts. Once the symptoms have reduced, herbs such as triphala, Divya Giloy Sat or Guduchi or Tinospora or Amrita etc used to eliminate all the symptoms completely. Swine Flu Herbal Medicine boosts the immune system against the H1N1 virus. Divya Giloy Sat or Guduchi or Tinospora or Amrita is an important ayurvedic medicine used to treat all kinds of flu symptoms and it is natural swine flu prevention medicine. It works by treating infections and increasing the body's resistance against organisms.
Herbal Remedy and Supplements Strong dietary and vitamin supplements like vitamin C, vitamin D, etc. and certain probity's can be useful in the treatment and prevention of swine flu. The Herbal remedies strengthen the immune system, to fight against the viruses and organisms causing swine flu.
Swine Flu Home Remedies and several natural ways to treat these swine symptoms that can be effective in relieving swine flu symptoms, along with the natural remedies for swine flu:
- A mixture of 1 tbsp of honey with 1/2 tbsp cinnamon powder can be consumed. This relieves swine flu symptoms like cold, nasal congestion and sore throat. - Steam inhalation with basil leaves added to the water, it helpful in relieving swine flu symptoms & relieving lung congestion. - Chewing fresh garlic cloves: Another effective home remedy as garlic, Good antiviral. - Consuming lemon tea: Relieve symptoms like cough, headaches, etc. Swine flu can be treated effectively using the above mentioned herbs and remedies, and is a healthier option compared to the treatment with allopathic medicines and antiviral.
Swine flu prevention naturally is the best remedy to stop the rapid spread of swine flu. -Regularly ventilated area, do wet cleaning, wash your hands frequently. - Strengthen your immune system, more often outdoors, move more. - Before going out into the street or in public places cover nose - it has antiviral activity against influenza. - Try to avoid communication with ill people. If this is unavoidable, wear respirators or gauze dressing. - After working with raw meat, Wash your hands carefully. Do not eat raw or half-meat. Porcine influenza virus, like any virus is destroyed at a temperature of 65 degrees. Disinfectants kill him instantly. - If you did not spring a flu shot, you can raise the immunity of special preparations. Usual onion and garlic increase the protective forces of organism.
If you have found a host of influenza symptoms (fever, muscle pain, coughing, sneezing, weakness, dizziness, nausea), be sure to contact the clinic. They clarify the diagnosis and treatment will designate.
How to protect yourself from it? The best means of prevention - it is your common sense and hygiene. Washing hands regularly and cover mouth and nose, while venturing out, it is an important to swine flu prevention. Along with the treatment for swine flu, consume as much as liquids, taking adequate rest and sleep. If sick, do not need go to work or school - better to rest at home, do not aggravate their condition and do not infect others.
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