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Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Future of Technology

It is exciting to look into the future of technology. In an age of continuous innovation and invention, when the discovery of today loses its sheen tomorrow, it is not easy to pinpoint technologies that will transform our future.

Engineering and technical developments are everyone's concern, as they will not be confined to industry, university classrooms, and R&D labs. Instead, they will make a tremendous difference in our day-to-day lives. Here I will attempt to identify some of the technologies that will revolutionize our lives and our values in the coming years.

1. Quantum Computers Unlike current PCs, quantum computers will have switches that can be in an on or off state simultaneously. The mechanism that will make this possible is known as superposition, and the switches are referred to as quantum bits. The system will make quantum computers operate very fast. A basic quantum computer is likely to be operational by 2020.

2. Programmable Matter Scientists are in the midst of creating a substance that can take a specific shape to perform a specific task. The substance is known as claytronics, and it consists of catoms. Individual catoms are programmed to move in three dimensions and position themselves so that they assume different shapes. This technology is likely to have numerous applications ranging from medical use to 3D physical rendering. It may take around two decades to become a reality.

3. Terascale Computing Techies are working on a project that would make our PCs able to contain tens to hundreds of parallel working cores. The device will have the capability to process huge amounts of information. To create this technology, Intel is exploring the possibility of using nanotechnology and allowing for billions of transistors.

4. Repliee Robots Repliee is one of the most advanced life-like robots ever created. Repliee, an android, is covered with a substance which is very similar to human skin. Sensors placed inside the robot control its movements and enable it to respond to its environment. Astonishingly, the robot can flutter its eyelids and replicate breathing. Repliee operates best in a static condition.

5. Organic Computers To further advance the computing realm, techies need to create a hybrid CPU that is silicon based but contains organic parts as well. The most promising progress in information processing concerns a neurochip that places organic neurons onto a network of silicon or other materials. Future computers will be able to bridge the silicon and organic spheres to utilize processors that incorporate both of these elements.

6. "Spray-On" Nanocomputers The "spray-on" nanocomputer would consist of particles that can be sprayed onto a patient. It would monitor the patient's medical condition and communicate wirelessly to other machines.

7. Carrier Ethernet Carrier Ethernet is a business service/access technology. It can serve as a transport method for both business and residential service. Ethernet will dominate the metro space in the future and will slowly displace SONET/SDH over the next 10 to 20 years.

Development sustains life. However, techies cannot afford to forget that technological advancement will remain inadequate in the absence of contributions from all branches of knowledge and will not flourish if it does not benefit society.

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Looking into natural and social processes, everything is happening according to a predetermined rhythm - the seasons, the growth of vegetation and the tides. The human body is also governed by a specific rhythm. During one day the human organism undergoes various physical changes, some of which are quite surprising.

Scientists have proven that the height of every person in the morning, right after awakening, is on average 2cm longer than in the evening. This can be explained by the fact that during sleep the body liquids fill and swell cartilage between the spinal vertebras. This process lengthens the spine, but during the day this liquid is lost by motion and the spine returns to its original length.

Body temperature is lowered during sleep and gradually rises upon waking; Pulse accelerates in the morning and reaches its maximum rate at around noon; The level of male and female sex hormones reaches maximum value early in the morning. Chemical processes in the human body are not acting anarchically but are governed by specific schematics. Differences between individual rhythms exist due to the different daily biological rhythms of the organism and those happening over a long period of time. It is possible to track life cycles and determine in advance which days of the month are the most convenient for certain activities.

In every person's life there are three cycles that happen simultaneously: emotional, intellectual and physical. The emotional cycle lasts 28 days and increases or reduces the individual creativity, affecting relations with other people and the individual's general mood. The physical cycle lasts 23 days and affects a person's libido, their health and resistance to illnesses. The intellectual cycle stretches to 33 days and it affects the ability of judgment, memory processes and decision making. These cycles can be graphically represented as waves on the path of life for every person. Unstable or critical periods are those when the amplitude is dropping or rising - changing its intensity and the person is most vulnerable when two or more amplitudes cross ways.

The consequences of lengthy travel can be extremely unpleasant, especially if climate and time zones are changed. This can seriously upset the natural rhythm of an individual. Doctors and scientists will eventually succeed in clarifying many conditions of vital importance in medical research simply by exploring the rhythms of the human organism.

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Friday, October 30, 2009

Inspiring future scientists and engineers by revealing an array of 'If Onlys'

High profile figures contribute their thinking to stimulate the next generation of UK scientists and engineers

From Lord Winston to Gary Lineker, leading figures from the worlds of entertainment, science, and business have come up with a plethora of 'If Onlys' - their one inspiration, discovery or invention that they wish existed - to capture the public's imagination and encourage the UK's budding young scientists and engineers to come up with their own inventions or creations for the National Science and Engineering Competition, by 30 October.

In providing their 'If Only' ideas, more than 60 of these high profile figures hope to make young people recognise that it is their imaginations that will enable them make what seems impossible now, possible in the future. Entering the Competition is a chance for young people to celebrate their science and engineering achievements and could be the first step to making their own 'If Only' a reality.

John Humphrys, Journalist and Radio and TV presenter: "If Only" I could invent a gadget attached to the chair on which politicians sit when I interview them which would give me an instant evaluation of their answers: "totally honest", "partly honest but mostly disingenuous"; "self-serving claptrap"; "downright lies." But on reflection it would probably make my role redundant!"

Lord Winston: "If Only" there was such a thing as a breakthrough in science, think of the credit in which an individual scientist like myself could legitimately wallow. But nearly every important piece of scientific progress is made incrementally and we mostly explore the ideas of others or rediscover what other scientists have already found, and sometimes which others have forgotten."

Gary Lineker, ex-England footballer and BBC commentator: "If Only" I had a time machine so I could go back and play one extra game for England to become England's all time highest ever scorer."

All the contributions are available to view on

Sir Roland Jackson, Chief Executive of the British Science Association, which leads the National Science and Engineering Competition in partnership with Young Engineers, commented: "How often do we hear people say 'If Only'? It is amazing to think that many of the wishes made by people years ago are now a reality. Young people, who have the skills to match their imaginations, will be the UK's future scientists and engineers. They will be the ones making the fantastic inventions and discoveries that are sure to come - things we may currently think are only impossible dreams."

Stu Ellins, Chief Executive of Young Engineers, said "This Competition is an excellent vehicle to highlight the many and varied projects being undertaken by school students, as well as a great way to highlight the possibilities that engaging with science and engineering can bring young people. Although 'If Only' is a fun exercise, the reality is that the world faces serious issues such as pollution, climate change, disease, food supply and even caring for an ageing population, all of which need creativity and innovation in science and engineering to find solutions. It's essential that we as a nation support the young people who will make vital discoveries and inventions a reality and the National Science and Engineering Competition does just that."

The National Science and Engineering Competition together with The Big Bang: UK Young Scientists' and Engineers' Fair, the UK's biggest celebration of science and engineering where the winners will be announced, celebrate the fantastic success young people are already achieving using their skills to make their ideas happen. 11-18 year-olds can visit before 30th October to nominate the projects they are proud of for the chance to win some of the £50,000 worth of prizes available. The culmination of the Competition at The Big Bang takes place in Manchester in March 2010. There, they will get the chance to compete for the title of the next UK Young Scientist of the Year and UK Young Engineer of the Year, and many remarkable accomplishments will be on display.

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How to change your routine so it changes your Life

Are you stuck in a rut? To answer this question objectively you have to look at the condition of your life in relation to your behaviour patterns. You may be either consciously or subconsciously sabotaging your personal growth by refusing or unwilling to change old habits that are holding you back.

Quite often we find that we are living a life that society has labelled "normal".We live in a home, have regular employment, are involved in a relationship and have material trappings that are supposed to make us feel content. However this "normal" level we have attained may still make us feel unfulfilled if we are not living a life that brings out our true potential.

We all have habits that form our personality. Habits continually direct the way we behave on a day-to-day basis and have become well-established traits of that personality. Habits allow us to carry out activity without conscious thought.

The biggest drawback to change is that people perceive that who they are at present is how their lives were meant to be. A blueprint set by fate that states that circumstances cannot change very easily. If only they knew how erroneous this is. The root of the problem lies in the way we think. Changing our thoughts will change our routine which in turn will change our lives.

As an example I read in a local paper recently about a former fraudster who had served time for his crimes. He was walking down a street and found a wallet containing cash and credit cards that belonged to a local businessman. Whereas previously he would have seen this as an easy opportunity for personal gain, he found contact details inside the wallet and returned it to its rightful owner. When interviewed, it turned out that he'd decided to go straight after meeting his ideal partner and made his mind up to change his ways.

You see, not only has he changed his behaviour but now he thinks about the environment he's in. The world hasn't changed but the way he reacts to it has.

This is an extreme example but nevertheless shows the difference you can make to your life if you are willing to change your habits. Old patterns of behaviour can be broken and new ones put in its place.

So then how do we do this? Quite simply by using imagination. It cannot be emphasised enough that this is the most powerful mental force we possess. With the use of imagination scientists, engineers, businessman to name a few have down the years changed our lives with inventions and discoveries that were first created in their minds by the use of imagination - and it is in our imagination that our future hopes and dreams first appear.

To speed up changing our mental habits, sit down somewhere quietly, get comfortable and think about one aspect of your personality that you feel is holding you back from achieving a particular goal or desire. For example, lets say you are particularly attracted to a person of the opposite sex at work but hadn't the confidence to approach this person. The thought of walking up to them and engaging in conversation makes you feel anxious and nervous.

Whilst you're sat, we are going to play a little mind movie in your head for about 10 to 15 minutes. Imagine you are now self assured and confident and can walk up to the person you are attracted to and easily engage in conversation. Imagine this person smiling back at you and being completely receptive to your advances, and then experience the positive emotions that this brings. It may take a bit of practise but repeated effort will bring results eventually.

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Swine Flu: Natural Cure and Home Remedies for Swine Flu

Swine flu has been creating a terror effects all round the globe and has been declared epidemic in most part of the world. This is caused by influenza A (H1N1) virus. Swine Flu is H1N1, or pig influenza - an acute respiratory infection, usually affects pigs, but the ability to pounce and man. Presumably, the disease appeared after the animal is picked up one of several varieties of the virus - a new strain, scientists have found traces of the North American pig flu or swine flu, the North American avian influenza, and swine and human virus commonly found in Asia and Europe. The first cases of human infection by virus reported on 18 March in Mexico.

What are Swine Flu symptoms? * High temperature * Cough * Shortness of breath, Feel Trouble in breathing

The most significant symptoms of a swine flu infection are the fever with chills, body ache and fatigue, a cough and sore throat, nausea, and diarrhea.

Ayurveda: It has the best form of herbal remedies for swine flu. Ayurvedic medicines are pure natural substances made of herbs and it's very effective in the prevention of swine flu. Ayurvedic medicines used as a remedy to reduce swine flu symptoms contain herbs like neem (Indian lilac), elderberry, ginger and pepper extracts. Once the symptoms have reduced, herbs such as triphala, Divya Giloy Sat or Guduchi or Tinospora or Amrita etc used to eliminate all the symptoms completely. Swine Flu Herbal Medicine boosts the immune system against the H1N1 virus. Divya Giloy Sat or Guduchi or Tinospora or Amrita is an important ayurvedic medicine used to treat all kinds of flu symptoms and it is natural swine flu prevention medicine. It works by treating infections and increasing the body's resistance against organisms.

Herbal Remedy and Supplements Strong dietary and vitamin supplements like vitamin C, vitamin D, etc. and certain probity's can be useful in the treatment and prevention of swine flu. The Herbal remedies strengthen the immune system, to fight against the viruses and organisms causing swine flu.

Swine Flu Home Remedies and several natural ways to treat these swine symptoms that can be effective in relieving swine flu symptoms, along with the natural remedies for swine flu:

- A mixture of 1 tbsp of honey with 1/2 tbsp cinnamon powder can be consumed. This relieves swine flu symptoms like cold, nasal congestion and sore throat. - Steam inhalation with basil leaves added to the water, it helpful in relieving swine flu symptoms & relieving lung congestion. - Chewing fresh garlic cloves: Another effective home remedy as garlic, Good antiviral. - Consuming lemon tea: Relieve symptoms like cough, headaches, etc. Swine flu can be treated effectively using the above mentioned herbs and remedies, and is a healthier option compared to the treatment with allopathic medicines and antiviral.

Swine flu prevention naturally is the best remedy to stop the rapid spread of swine flu. -Regularly ventilated area, do wet cleaning, wash your hands frequently. - Strengthen your immune system, more often outdoors, move more. - Before going out into the street or in public places cover nose - it has antiviral activity against influenza. - Try to avoid communication with ill people. If this is unavoidable, wear respirators or gauze dressing. - After working with raw meat, Wash your hands carefully. Do not eat raw or half-meat. Porcine influenza virus, like any virus is destroyed at a temperature of 65 degrees. Disinfectants kill him instantly. - If you did not spring a flu shot, you can raise the immunity of special preparations. Usual onion and garlic increase the protective forces of organism.

If you have found a host of influenza symptoms (fever, muscle pain, coughing, sneezing, weakness, dizziness, nausea), be sure to contact the clinic. They clarify the diagnosis and treatment will designate.

How to protect yourself from it? The best means of prevention - it is your common sense and hygiene. Washing hands regularly and cover mouth and nose, while venturing out, it is an important to swine flu prevention. Along with the treatment for swine flu, consume as much as liquids, taking adequate rest and sleep. If sick, do not need go to work or school - better to rest at home, do not aggravate their condition and do not infect others.

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Science FAQ

I would approaching to use the LSMO product, but I don't know how much to...
It would be very helpful if you could provide more information about LSMO product. Describe as much as you can roughly speaking its physical and chemical properties, along with your definition of the word product. Do you mean "product" in a...

In a small hose down hole I've see a mammal that looks resembling a mammoth...
It is a river rat they eat them Down south La

Is South Africa a capitalist or socialists country and whose system...
They are capitalists and are a republic now thanks to Nelson Mandela a great man who fought for freedom!

Triton is a moon of which planet?
Triton (also known as Neptune I), is Neptune's largest moon. It was discovered by British astronomer William Lassel, on October 10, 1846. This was basically 17 days after Neptune itself was discovered by German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle. Named after the Greek sea god Triton, the son...

What are some ways to build dry acetone?
Dry acetone is not anhydrous but has less water.It is dried by some dehydrating agent like anhydrous calcium chloride .It can also be obtain by heating it in atmosphere at 100 C.We can also use sodium carbonate.For other methods visit acetone

What are tropical cyclones?
A tropical cyclone is a storm system which is fueled by the heat released when moist air rises and the water mist in it condenses. Tropical cyclones are known by other terms, such as typhoon, hurricane, tropical storm, cyclonic storm and tropical depression, depending on their location and strength. They...

What do you scrounging by the permanent status total zilch?
Absolute zero is the point on the thermodynamic (absolute) temperature scale where on earth no more heat energy remains in a system. There is international agreement that the Celcius heat starts at absolute zero with the effectiveness of exactly -273.15 degrees celcius. Scientists have...

What influenced ethnic group to develop software's?
The main influences are making a difficult job very simple and automating a reliable task which requires many repetitive steps.For example latest computer animation softwares can do a reliable task in 1 hour which equals 10000 man hours.Softwares are also very adjectives for making complex calculations...

What is a rainforest?
A rainforest can be described as a tall, dense jungle. It is called a rainforest because of the high amount of precipitation it gets each year. Rainforests have a minimum conventional annual rainfall between 1750mm and 2000mm. The climate of a rainforest is very hot and humid, meaning that...

What is a torque attraction?
The torque value is the measurement of how tight you need to tighten the screw so that it stays tight. The meaning of torque is calculated as the power divided by the angular speed. In other words, power is the product of the torque and the angular speed. Power...

What is a virtual print?
A virtual image is formed by diverging rays of light that appear to originate from the representation, but in reality do not. If you place an observer where on earth the virtual image appears to be, they will not be able to see it. The image is formed...

What is Pythagoras' Theorem?
If you want the actual equation instead of that it's A^2 * B^2 = C^2 C being the hypotenuse, and A and B being the two sides that make that hypotenuse. Explain the pythagorean relation.

What is the extinction coefficient of beta carotene contained by Acetone at...
2160 at 478nm. All around 2000 in that wavelength range. Acetone is not used as normally as pentane or hexane so hard to find answer.

What is the permanent status used for hose down to be exact other within potential trouble...
Our planet is well equipped not only to house so many living species, but it also provides for the desires of each. Among its resources that it makes available for the sustenance of life are the plants and...

Which two oceans does the Panama Canal association?
Panama Canal connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. It is a major ship canal, and was one of the largest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertake. The canal is made up of two artificial lakes, several improved and artificial channel and three sets of locks....

Why is entrepreneurship an integral sector of cutback
Entrepreneurship encourages innovation in countries, in demand to increase productions and lessen costs. Whenever new organizations and businesses start, with them comes central investments. This increases employment opportunities in the places of investments. In turn it increases the purchasing power of people which is spent on commodities...

" ___ = .5" Expresses In Symbols That The Probability Is Fifty-fifty...
'P" That is not correct just the letter p is the correct answer, do not put any hyphens

" What Is The Mass Of 2.00 L Of An Intravenous Glucose Solution With...
2L=2,000_ml X 1.15_g/ml=2,300_grams is the correct calculation and answer.

" You Have 30 Dogs And 28 Chickens. Which One Doesn't ?"
Which one doesn't what?? Good question KYMM1969 as Which one Doesn't is me as I only have 1 dog and no chickens. Well I do hold some chicken in the freezer but not 28! Lol

"?Why Is Gender An Issue In Social Problems?
These questions are about social problems. Mmeo, the reason why sexual characteristics is such a big issue in social problems is because of the domination factor mostly. And some of it is also because of discrimination. One sex is always discriminating against the other because they...

"A Little Bit Of Stress Is Useful - It Keeps People In Their Toes."?..
A little bit of stress is useful, because it can motivate. But stress beyond the breaking point is counterproductive, and productivity drops significantly. Usually people in stressful situations with the sole purpose have to reduce their stress a reasonable amount to be...

"Are People's Feet Bigger Now Than They Were 100 Years Ago"?
Absolutely, man is bigger than he used to be. Things change in the course of time with your society to what you chomp through I saw soles of shoes on display one day that wer ovr 1000 years old. And they were nit...

"Budgeting Is An Instrument Of Planning As Well As A Tool Of Coordination...
Budgeting refers to the process of planning revenues and expenses of the company. If it is considered as an important planning tool then it is also considered as a significant tool of coordination and control. The reason is that when forecasts...

"d" Yellow Pine With No Knots, Does This Wood Exist And Is It Good...
Customer looking for this and i never heard of a stainable "d"grade yellow pine. I found this description of yellow pine grades, which points to a site next to this reference pocket guide. By definition, D grade has more...

"Good Guys Finish Last And So Do Bad Girls", Do You Agree With It...
I Was Reading An Article That Was Supposed To Reach Out To Teens. I'm Not Sure What To Make Of It, But The Author Ended Off The Article With "Good Guys Finish Last And So Do Bad Girls". She Didn't...

"How Do I Determine What's On The Opposite Side Of The Earth Of A...
I'm trying to figure out what location is "opposite" our hometown at 42degrees54'4" -73degrees21'5" The place you seek is in the Indian Ocean, SW of Australia. To find the latitude of that location, translate N latitude to S latitude....

"Just In Time Concept reduced the pressure of inventory techniques"...
Just in Time (JIT) is an important philosophy that many modern factory are following now a days. It saves warehouse space for storing inventories and in the shutting down improves are return on Investment (ROI) of the factories. Over the last decade purchasing and...

"modern Currency Has No Value On Its Own As A Commodity"then Why Is...
"Currency" is a medium for transferring value. The asset backing that currency, such as gold ingots, platinum, or the like is what has a value as a "commodity", the actual efficacy of the commodity changes with market conditions. The single commodity...

"Self Confidence Is An Essential Interpersonal Variable For Effective...
Self confidence,esteem are both needed in communication and life,low self esteem leaves a person incomplete in so many ways,they are really hard on themselves and ponder everyone is laughing at them,therefore they prefer to stay in the background of time never letting anyone know what...

"XP Starter Edition cannot operate within this region.Windows will very soon...
Depending on the region you stay in and the place where you purchased your Windows XP Starter Edition copy you can contact the micro-soft help desk to trouble shoot your problem if you hold a genuine license for the product. You can...

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Means to utilize the energy of the Sun

Solar energy is the energy produced by the sun. During the fusion process that the sun undergoes during its lifetime, it emits radiation. The fusion process produces many different wavelengths of radiation and sub-atomic particles.

Collecting and converting usable energy from solar radiation can be accomplished by using many different forms of technology and includes various direct and indirect methods of harnessing the solar energy.

There are basically two ways to use this solar radiation, by collecting the heat from the light, and photovoltaic conversion of the light. There are many different methods of collecting the heat and converting it to electricity, and many ways of converting the light as well.

One of the simplest ways that people use solar heat energy is by using greenhouses. A greenhouse is built so that it can best collect the sunlight and heat that it receives from the sun. Using special glass or plastics, the greenhouse and everything within it retains the heat energy from the sun. This heat is trapped inside the greenhouse by the roof and walls allowing plants to grow in an otherwise too cold climate.

By combining various technologies and the use of alternative power sources such as electricity from the grid, a controlled growing climate can be maintained to optimize specialty and agricultural crop growth. A large greenhouse could make use of a solar updraft tower to generate most or all of the additional electricity it may require to keep the climate controlled.

A solar updraft tower is a simple use of the excess heat generated by light heat that the greenhouse receives. Hot air rises and is channeled from along the ceilings of the greenhouse and directed into a tower. The hot air rises and the turbine blades are pushed by the hot air rushing past them to generate electricity. Storing any excess power in batteries for the night when there is no sun can also keep the use of grid power to a minimum.

Expanding on the collection of heat from the sun, there are power plants in the hot sunny desert areas that collect the heat from the sun and convert the heat to electricity.

Some of these solar energy plants make use of curved, highly reflective and focused surfaces to optimize the collection of heat from the sunlight. They focus the light onto a central tube that is filled with synthetic oil that gets very hot. This hot oil is then piped into a boiler filled with water that is flashed into steam from the heat of the oil. The steam produced is then used to turn turbines that produce electricity. This is a highly effective way to convert solar energy into usable power.

Another way to collect the energy from the sun is through direct photovoltaic conversion. Here the light is converted into electricity by using special materials called photodiodes that are made into cells. The photodiodes emit electrons when the photons from the sunlight hits them. By using arrays of the special cells and electrically connecting them together, enough power is produced by the transduction process to make it a worthwhile alternative energy.

As more and more people demand the use of free solar energy, governments as well as businesses are subsidizing researchers, and these combined efforts are meeting this demand by coming up with materials that can produce more and more energy from a given amount of sunlight. Solar electricity produced by arrays of solar panels is now almost as cost effective as using petroleum, coal, and nuclear generated power.

The most common method of using solar energy is to store them in photovoltaic cells. This method was first used in U.S. space satellites in 1950s. The cells are made from silicon. When sunlight enters the cells, it causes the electrons to move about. The electrons then move towards the front side of the solar panels. This causes an imbalance of the electrons between the front and back side of the panels. On joining the two surfaces, a conductor is formed, just like a wire, and current begins to flow. The individual solar cells are arranged together in a PV module and the modules are grouped together to form an array. This current is used to charge cells and this energy is used to light lamps, tube lights and also to drive cars now. The current can also be used to run appliances.

Another method of using solar energy is to direct the solar rays to a convergence point using a curved reflector and then make a current flowing system like a photo cell and store energy. This method is now used in India and U.S.

Our planet receives enough raw energy in the form of sunlight in sixty minutes to illuminate all of the worlds lights for a full year. Unfortunately, a very small part of it can be harnessed so most of the population still gets most of its energy from power plants that burn fossil fuels. Fortunately for our environment, we have recently seen an increasing trend in the demand for solar energy. This is partly due to the fact that solar panels are becoming cheaper as technology advances.

At the equator, the Sun provides approximately 1000 watts of energy per square meter on the earths surface. This means that 1 square meter of each panel can generate approximately 100 GW of raw power per year, which is enough to illuminate more than 50,000 houses. The entire area that would need to be covered by solar panels to power the entire world for a year would be the equivalent to one percent of the entire space of the Sahara Desert. The amount of power solar panels can generate on a given day depends on a few variables like smog, cloudy days, low temperatures and humidity.

Solar panel farms are a lot like other normal power plants with the only big difference being that most power plants get their energy from fossil fuels. And when conventional plants burn fossil fuels, they generate the by products which are contributing to global warming. Solar panel farms or solar heat plants (or CSP plants) absorb the rays of the sun to generate electrical energy.

This process of energy conversion in solar heat plants is rather simple. The panels absorb the rays of the sun, which then shines on the power receiver. In this receiver, the energy is converted into steam from the suns rays. The steam is taken to tanks where it will be used to spin turbines and generate electricity. The process is clean because it requires no fossil fuels to be burned. It is safe for the environment and doesn't contribute to global warming like conventional power plants.

If more solar panel farms are implemented, the demand for oil will be reduced sharply. Today, there are many households that use solar panels for energy and more people are adding panels every day. When this demand for solar energy and other alternatives goes up, fewer people will use gas and fossil fuels, and the prices for these will surely drop as well.

Even though the initial investment into your solar panel system is a bit expensive, the panels will undoubtedly pay for themselves in the long run. Not only do you save money and perhaps even make some with your panels, you help the environment by reducing greenhouse gases and emissions. These systems are so durable they have been known to last years. PV cells are supposed to stay good anywhere from twenty-five to forty years. Most suppliers of solar panels have a standard twenty-five year warranty.

Finally, solar panels take minimal maintenance and they can be placed basically anywhere that gets a good amount of sunlight all year. Scientists worldover say that the future lies with solar energy. Using solar energy for home use like heating, cooking, driving car and for all other uses like charging your mobile phone, street lights and heating the swimming pool and powering your computer will become a way of life. Just as the saying goes that sun never stops shining in California, a solar energy home will never lack the power required to run the house.

China is another country which is fast using this solar technology for its future growth. Japan already is moving in the direction of saving its excess power and the government there is helping device methods to save money on fuel. The future of solar energy homes is spreading rapidly in the east. The Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy is formulating a program to introduce solar energy to more than a million homes in the next few years.

India has long days and plenty of sunshine, especially in the Thar Desert region of Rajasthan. With abundant solar energy available, this zone is attracting attention from the Indian government for its research purposes. Solar energy is being used in India for heating water for both industrial and domestic purposes.

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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

free counters

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Friday, September 11, 2009


BIOCON has invigorated its diabetics drug development drive by teaming up with US based biopharma player Amylin Pharmaceuticals. The companies have entered into an exclusive co-development and marketing partnership for a peptide hybrid or phybrid. This phybrid will combine properties of two peptides - essentially small proteins - into one molecule to treat diabetes. ?For instance, this bifunctionality could lower glucose levels as well as induce weight loss.
"Against using single properties on their own, this technology is likely to give a differentiated clinical outcome by enabling the interplay of two peptides with dual benefits (like lower sugar level and weight loss)," COO of Biocon Arun Chandavarkar, told Economic Times.

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SWISS drug firm Novartis has received the government's nod to start human trails for its wine flu vaccine in India after it has shown strong immune response in 80% of the subjects who were administered one dose in experiments conducted in the UK.
However, the government has said that it would not place any orders for the vaccine till the experiments are successful in at least 600-800 people in India, health ministry secretary and director general of Indian Council of Medical Research, Vishwa Mohan Katoch said. Since swine flu was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in June, Pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies have been racing to get their vaccines ready in a bid to check the outbreak.
Novartis' newly developed vaccine, to be called Celtura, against influenza A H1N1 (swine flu) has shown effective result during a pilot test conducted on 100 healthy volunteers aged between 18 and 50. Trial leader Dr Iain Stephenson said, "The clinical trial of Novartis MF59-adjuvanted cell -based H1N1 vaccine indicates that the swine flu vaccine elicits a strong immune response and is well-tolerated. The results showed that the serum antibody responses were highest among subjects who received two doses of the vaccine. However, a single vaccine may be sufficient to protect against H1N1".
The trails have a significance for India as it is one of the vaccines being eyed by India to be given to healthcare and emergency workers around January next year.
Novartis is presently carrying out global trails of this vaccine in more than 6,000 adults and children around the world, a company statement said.
Last week, the health ministry had decided to let GlaxoSmithKline conduct human trials of its swine flu vaccine. The Anglo-American drug maker, however, had replied to the ministry saying the government will have to place a certain order for the vaccine with the company before it starts human trails in India, director-general health services (DGHS) Dr RK Srivastava told ET. However, the government has been very categorical saying that before placing orders for any import of vaccines, the vaccines will have to undergo safety and efficacy trials on the Indian population before being introduced in the countrey.
"Such clauses are not acceptable, these can be virtual orders which are temporary. Real orders will be placed only once we are ensured of the safety and immunogenicity of these vaccines on Indian population," Mr Katoch said.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009


The forensic report of nuclear scientist L.Mahalingam has reportedly of foul play behind his "unnatural death."
The Forensic Science Department on Monday submitted the report which said there were no traces of poison in Mr Mahalingam's viscera, oficial sources said.
Though police is awaiting a final report from doctors, it indicates a case of suicide. Mahalingam went missing on June 8 and his body was found in Kali river.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009


At 2 am on Saturday, Isro chairman gopalan Madhavan Nair was woken up by his colleagues with a devastating piece of news: India's first mooncraft, Chandrayaan-I, was lost.
the spacecraft's radio contact with the mission command at Deep space Network at Byalalu, 40 km from the city, snapped at 1.30 am, and efforts to restore it remained futile.
Mr Nair's colleagues plan to make another attempt to re-establish the communication link on Saturday night. A sense of despair, however, has already set in among space of despair, however, has already set in among space scientists because they are convinced that Chandrayaan-I has met with an early end.
"We have no clue yet (about what went wrong). It is very difficult to predict the chances of recovering the spacecraft," Mr Nair said.

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Shakuntala Devi, Indian scientist

Shakuntala Devi""1Shakuntala Devi is generally known as a `Human Computer` because of her extraordinary talents in solving complex mathematical problems without any mechanical aid. Yet, Shakuntala Devi dislikes being called the `human computer` as she strongly believes that people have minds better than any computer. Her passionate interest in exploring and expanding the learning capacity of the human mind led her to develop the concept of `mind dynamics`. Shakuntala Devi has spelled bound and challenged the world with her unique talents.
Genius Shakuntala Devi born on 4th November 1939 in Bangalore India. She was born in a well-known Brahmin priests family. Her father performed magic tricks in schools and colleges. She was doing card tricks with him when she was only three. Shakuntala Devi received her early lessons in mathematics from her grandfather. By the age of five she became an expert in complex mental arithmetic and was recognized as a child prodigy. She demonstrated her talents to a large assembly of students and professors at the University of Mysore a year later. At the age of eight she had success at Annamalai University by doing the same.
In 1977 she extracted the 23rd root of a 201-digit number mentally. On June 18, 1980 she demonstrated the multiplication of two 13-digit numbers 7,686,369,774,870 x 2,465,099,745,779 which was picked at random by the Computer Department of Imperial College, London. She answered the question in 28 seconds. Her correct answer was 18,947,668,177,995,426,462,773,730. This extraordinary incident found her a place in the Guinness book of World records.
Through her expertise she also motivates the young minds to discover the world of mathematics. She maintains that a child`s curiosity and receptivity during infancy and childhood can never be matched, and we must nurture the young minds by offering the right learning process and motivation to develop the innate strengths possessed by every child. She has been traveling around the globe performing for the student community, Presidents, Politicians, Prime Ministers and Educationalists.
She shares some of the methods of mental calculations in her world famous book `figuring: the Joy of Numbers`. `Puzzles to puzzle you`, `More Puzzles to Puzzle you`, `The Book of Numbers`, `Mathability: The Math Genius in Your Child`, `Astrology for you`, `Perfect Murder`, `In the Wonderland of Numbers` which talks about a girl Neha and her fascination for numbers and `Awaken the Genius in Your Child` are some of the books written by her.
She happens to be an outstanding astrologer and gives remedies based on date and time of birth and place. Her clients include celebrities and well known personalities. The Vedic Math Forum India is associated with Shakuntala Devi and plans to organize a workshop with her in the near future.

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Mr N.R.Narayana Murthy, Indian Scientist

"I want Infosys to be a place where people of different genders, nationalities, races and religious beliefs work together in an environment of intense competition but utmost harmony, courtesy and dignity to add more and more value to our customers day after day." As said by N.R.Narayana Murthy. He is known to lead an unpretentious lifestyle in his modest residence in Bangalore along with wife Sudha Murthy and has a reputation for being a calm, self-effacing, soft-spoken person and caring father like figure for the employees of Infosys, shunning pricey suits, and avoiding a high-flying lifestyle. He has become the most admired business leader among the business schools in India by his `simple living high thinking` phenomenon.
N.R. Narayana Murthy""1This Indian industrialist, software engineer was born on 20th August 1946 into a Kannadiga Deshatha Brahmin family in Mysore, India. Graduated with a degree in electrical engineering from National Institute of Engineering, University of Mysorein 1967, he received his master degree from IIT Kanpur in 1963. He joined IIM Ahmedabad as chief systems programmer after his Masters degree. At IIM he worked on a time sharing system and designed and implemented a basic inetrpreter for Electronics Corporation of India Limited. Then he has worked for Patni Computer Systems in Pune. At Tata Engineering and Locomotive Co.Ltd he met his wife Sudha Murthy. Mr. Murthy is the brother-in-law of serial entrepreneur Gururaj "Desh" Deshpande and the uncle of former NASSCOM Chairman and Mphasis chief Jerry Rao. Murthy couple moved to Mumbai.
In 1981 with six other software professionals he founded `Infosys`. He has been served as CEO of Infosys for twenty years. Nandan Nilekani, the co-founder of Infosys succeeded Murthy in 2002. he is a member of the Board of Directors of INSEAD, Board of Overseers of the University of Pennsylvania`s Wharton School, Cornell University Board of Trustees, Singapore Management University Board of Trustees and the Board of Advisors for the William F. Achtmeyer Center for Global Leadership at the Tuck School of Business. He is the chairman of the governing body of both the International Institute of Information Technology - Bangalore, and the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Mr. Murthy likewise sits on the Board of Governors of the renowned "Harvard Business School of the East" --- the Asian Institute of Management (AIM), a premier graduate school of business located in the Philippines; one of only two business schools in Asia to be internationally recognized with both AACSB and EQUIS accreditations.
The recipient of numerous awards and honors Narayana murthy in 2000 was awarded a civilian award by the Government of India, the `Padma Shri`. The first recipient of the Indo-French Forum Medal in 2003 by the Indo-French Forum. The award was given in recognition of his role in promoting Indo-French ties. He was voted the World Entrepreneur of the Year - 2003 by Ernst & Young. He was one of the two people named as Asia`s Businessmen of the Year for 2003 by Fortune magazine. In 2001, he was named by TIME / CNN as one of the twenty-five, most influential global executives, a group selected for their lasting influence in creating new industries and reshaping markets. The Max Schmidheiny Liberty 2001 prize was given to Murthy in recognition of his promotion of individual responsibility and liberty. Leading magazine `Business Week` named him as one of the nine entrepreneurs of the year and also featured him in Business Week`s `The Stars of Aia` for three successive years 1998, 1999 and 2000. In 1998, the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, one of the premier institutes of higher learning in India and his former institute, conferred on him the Distinguished Alumnus Award, and in 1996-97, he was awarded the JRD Tata Corporate Leadership Award.
N.R. Narayana Murthy""1In a global study conducted by Burson-Marsteller with the Economist Intelligence Unit in December 2005, Narayana Murthy was voted as the seventh most amired CEO/Chaiman in the world with 14 other renowned name like Bill gates, Steve Jobs and Warrwn Buffett. In May 2006, Narayana Murthy has, for the fifth year running, emerged the most admired business leader of India in a study conducted by Brand-comm, a leading Brand Consulting, Advertising and PR firm. `The Economist`, an English language weekly news and international affairs publication, ranked him 8th among the top 15 most admired global leaders (2005). He was ranked 28th among the world`s most-respected business leaders by the Financial Times (2005). He topped the Economic Times Corporate Dossier list of India`s most powerful CEOs for two consecutive years - 2004 and 2005.
Today, customers, employees, investors and the general public as a highly respected, dynamic and innovative company acknowledge Infosys. In March 1999, Infosys Technologies became the first India-registered company to be listed on an American stock exchange. He says perhaps we are the only nation in the world were people fight to be called backward rather than forward. Therefore we should thank him for bringing India on the world`s IT map and providing jobs to thousands. To him "Performance leads to recognition. Recognition brings respect. Respect enhances power. Humility and grace in one`s moments of power enhances dignity of an organisation,"

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Dr. Abraham M. George

Dr. Abraham M. George was a born in Trivandrum,Kerala.His parents were Mathew and Aleyamma George. At the age of 14 he got admitted to prestigious National Defence Academy in Khadakwasla.He passed as a Second-Lieutenant in a medium artillery regiment of the Indian Army in the year in 1966 and was posted to North-East Frontier that borders China.
After 10 months Goerge was injured due to a dynamite explosion and was advised for rest.After returning from rest he was transferred to Indo-Pak border.After two years he got promotion and he was made Captain. Abraham M. George described about his army life: "There is, I suppose, some stage in each one`s life that has a greater impact on his future than all others. For me, it was these army experiences that helped shape much of my outlook on life.while he was serving as a caption of Indian Army he started suffering from hearing problem.He took medical leave from Indian Army moved to United States for a special surgery.
Dr. Abraham M. George""1At that time his mother was in America and working for NASA as a research scientist.She was also teaching physics in various university.He started new life there and began study again. George got admitted to New York University`s Stern S chool of Business as a graduate student. After few years he became the the citizen of United States. He did his masters in developmental economics and finance.He tried to join World Bank but he was not successful.Then he did his Ph.d and started teaching in various Universities.Later he joined Chemical Bank( this bank is now associated with JP Morgan Chase Bank) as an officer.After serving two years here he decided to start his own business. He established his own company, Multinational Computer Models Inc (MCM).
This company sold computerized financial systems to big multinational company.The system protect those company from international financial risks.Later MCM was associated with Credit Suisse First Boston where George was the Chief financial adviser and Managing Director .In 1998 George sold MCM to SunGard Data Systems. In the early part of 1995 George came back to India after a long time.In India he observed and also came to know from various media about the the injustices and inequalities of Indian society.He also noticed and realized the cause of poverty, illiteracy ,health problem and the poor condition of women in India.He devoted himself in various charitabe works.He founded a non-profit charitable trust named The George Foundation,based in Bangalore.The objective this foundation is to work for various problems of the poor and illeterate people in Indian society.
This foundation has started many projects in poverty eradication,spreading education, health, empowerment of women, press freedom, and other major works for the underprivileged people.This foundation is associated with TGF mission which is working for the promotion of democratic institutions and values. For this work he got several acclaim from the famous people around the world. Pulitzer Prize winner famous writer Thomas Friedman of the New York Times remarked his book, The World is Flat, "We must have more Abraham Georges - everywhere - by the thousands." Abraham George established the Indian Institute of Journalism & New Media, Bangalore where he is the dean.He is working on environmental health problems and giving his full effort to remove Lead and Gasoline and for that he also set up the National Referral Centre for Lead Poisoning in India in 2000. Dr. George is currently the Chairman at eMedexOnline LLC, a medical diagnostic software company in the U.S.
As he is a genius in international finance he wrote many books on this subjects including ,International Finance Handbook (2 volumes) published by John Wiley & Sons ,Foreign Book by Dr. Abraham M. George""1exchange Management and the Multinational Corporation,published by Holt, Reinhart and Winston and Protecting Shareholder Value: International Financial Risk Management,published by Prentice Hall.
So far George has written two books on injustices and inequalities of India.One is India Untouched: The Forgotten Face of Rural Poverty, Writer`s Collective and another is Lead Poisoning Prevention and Treatment: Implementing a National Program in Developing Countries.
Apart from that he also penned three dozen articles in international finance and on issues related to global poverty.
He got several awards including ,NYU Stern School of Business` Stewart Satter Social Entrepreneurship Award, USA, Spirit of India Award, America India Foundation, USA,Hind Ratna Award, Non-Resident Indian Association, Delhi,Millennium Awards, Indian American Kerala Cultural and Civic Center, USA.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Amartya Sen""1Amartya Kumar Sen, an Indian economist and a winner of the Nobel Prize was born on 3rd November 1933 in Santiniketan, Westbengal. Santiniketan the University town established by the poet Rabindranath Tagore, another Indian Nobel Prize winner. His ancestral home was in Wari, Dhaka in modern-day Bangladesh. His family migrated to India following partition in 1947. Rabindranath Tagore is said to have given Amartya Sen his name "Amartya" meaning "immortal". Sen`s maternal grandfather Ksitimohan Sen was a renowned scholar of medieval Indian literature. Amartya Sen was born to professor father Ashutosh Sen, who taught Chemistry at Dhaka University and mother Amita Sen. Indian writer and scholar Nabaneeta Dev Sen was his first wife with whom he had two children Antara and Nandana. Antara is renowend Indian journalist and Nandana is a bollywood actress. But their marriage broke up after they moved to London in 1971. Eva Colorni was his second wife with whom he had two children, Indrani and Kabir. Indrani is a journalist in New York and Kabir teaches P.E in the Boston area. Eva died from stomach cancer in 1985. An economic historian, an expert on Adam smith and Fellow of King`s College, Cambridge The Hon. Emma Georgina Rothschild is his present wife. St Gregory`s School in Dhaka in modern-day Bangladesh was Amartya Sen`s high-school. Before moving to Trinity College, Cambridge Sen studied in India at the school system of Visva-Bharati University and Presidency College, Kolkata, where he earned a First Class BA in 1953. At Trinity College he received B.A in 1956 and then a Ph.D. in 1959. He was also allowed four years to immerse himself in philosophical issues during his stay at Trinity College.

He has taught economics at University of Calcutta, Jadavpur University, Delhi, Oxford where he was first a Professor of Economics at Nuffield College and then the Drummond Professor of Political Economy and a Fellow of All Souls College, London School of Economics, Harvard and was Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, from 1998 to 2004. In January 2004 Sen returned to Harvard. He is also a contributor to the Eva Colorni Trust at the former London Guildhall University.

Amartya Sen in 1998 for his work on famine, human development theory, welfare economics, the underlying mechanisms of poverty and political liberalism won the Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences i.e. Nobel Prize for Economics. He became the first Asian academic to head an Oxbridge college. Among his many contributions to development economics, Sen has produced work on gender inequality. He is currently the Lamont University Professor at Harvard University. Amartya Sen`s books have been translated into more than thirty languages. He is a trustee of the Economists for Peace and Security.

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009


( 1888 - 1970 )
C.V.Raman is the first Nobel Scientist of India. He won Nobel Prize in 1930 in physics for his discovery “Raman Effect”.

Chandrashekara Venkata Raman was born on November 7, 1888 at Tiruchinapalli. He was the son of college teacher. He did his M.A. at Presidency college in Chennai. He took up an administrative job in the Finance Ministry in Kolkatta. His interest in science made him to become a member of the Indian Institute for cultivation of science.

He studied acoustics. He went to London on a lecture tour. On his return journey he was fascinated by the blueness of the sky and sea. He questioned himself why were they blue. He found and concluded that the blueness was due to the scattering of light by water molecules. He wished to prove his theory. He did research in optics. In 1924 he was elected FRS. London for his contribution to optics.

He discovered the scattering of light and later it was named Raman effect. This was discovered on 28 February 1928. He was awarded Nobel Prize. In 1943 he founded his own institute in Bangalore, the Raman Research Institute. He continued his research till his death on November 20, 1970. He worked earlier in Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

The Raman effect is important in understanding the molecular structure of chemical compounds. It is the Phenomenon that causes changes in nature of light when it is passed through a transparent medium whether solid, liquid or gaseous.

February 28, annually is being celebrated as National Science day in India.

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The Italian physicist Alessandro Volta (1745-1827) introduced something new. He found, in 1800, that two metals (separated by solutions capable of conducting an electric charge) could be so arranged that new charge was created as fast as the old charge was carried off along a conducting wire. He had invented the first electric battery and produced an electric current.
Italian physicist; physics professor; experimented with electrical forces; invented first practical battery using cells made from two kinds of metals; this verified his theory of differing electrical potentials for unlike metals; electric potential difference is known as voltage and its unit is the Volt (V).

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( 1844 - 1906 )

The Austrian physicist Ludwig Boltzmann (1844-1906) had analyzed the behavior of gases on the assumption that they were an assemblage of a vast number of randomly moving particles (the kinetic theory of gases). They were able to derive Boyle's law on this basis, provided they made two further assumptions;
that there were no attractive forces between gas molecules.
that the gas molecules were of zero size.
Gases that fulfill these assumptions are perfect gases.
Neither assumption is quite correct. There are small attractions between gas molecules, and though these molecules are exceedingly small, their size is not zero. No actual gas is quite "perfect", therefore, although hydrogen and the later-discovered helium come close.

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( 1867 - 1934 )

A lady scientist Marie Curie who discovered Radium was born at Warsaw in Poland. Her name was Marie-Sklodowska. She married Pierre Curie who was also a scientist and became famous as Madam Curie.

Madam Curie was fortunate. Both her parents were teachers. Her childhood was spent in studies and at 16. She came out of highschool with a gold medal. In 1891 she went to Paris and obtained science degree from Sakhan university. There she fell in love with Pierre and they got married.

Madam curie started her carrer in science with Prof.Henri Becquerel, the discoverer of radio activity. Both husband and wife did research. Their mutual interest was in magnetism. After Becquerel discovered that Uranium salts emitted rays that resembled X-rays, the Curies set out to discover whether there were other substances that emitted such rays. They finally managed to isolate the radium metal in 1910. to do this research the Curie couple requested the government of Bohomia to donate 10,000 kgs. Of uranium pitchblende free of cost. It was found in plenty there. They gotit free of cost. For months together the couple did a lot of hard work to extract radium from it. For this work Marie Curie, Pierre Curie and Becquerel received the Nobel prizefor physics in 1903.

In 1911 Madam Curie wa awarded the Nobel prize in chemistry for her work on the isolation of radium and polonium and for the study of the chemical properties of these elements.

Soon after the discovery, radium was found effective in the treatment of cancer. The Curies had a daughter and she was Irene curie who married Fredric Juliot. Both Irene and Juliot were scientist and they were awended Nobel Prize in 1935 for chemistry. They synthesized artificial radio active substances.

In 1906 Pierre died in a road accident. Marie Curie established Curie Insitute of Radium. An element ‘Curium’ is named after her and a unit of radio activity ‘Curie’ have been named in her honour.

Throughout her life Marie Curie was exposed to radio active substances. She died of leukemia and blood cancer on July 4, 1934.

The life of Marie and Pierre Curie shows how they were devoted to science. The entire Curie family worked for the benefit of mankind.

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Swedish physician and chemist; discovered cerium, selenium, lithium, silicon, titanium and thorium; coined the terms "isomer" and "isomerism"; published a revised version of the periodic table with atom weights very close to today's table (1828); proposed system of elemental symbols and chemical notation.

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( 600 B.C.)

Vaisesika Sutras are a blend of science, philosophy and religion. These sutras or Aphorisms were propounded by the Indian scientist Kanada.

The essence of these Sutras is the atomic theory of matter.

Kanada said: “Everything is made up of ‘Paramanu’. When matter is divided, then further divided, till further no division is possible, the remaining indivisible entity is Paramanu. This does not exist in a free state nor can it be sensed through any human organ. It is indestructible.” Paramanu is atom. The name is given by Kanada.

Kanada, the scientist identified different or a variety of Paramanus. He said that each paramanu has a specific property which is same as the class of substance to which it belongs to. This peculiar property has made to be called vaisesika sutra.

He also discovered : If two paramanu belonging to one class of substance combined a devinuka is produced. This devinuka or binary molecule has the properties similar to those of the two original paramanu.

Paramanu or atom belonging to different classes of substance could also combine in large numbers., “because of the peculiarily or speciality of paramanu all things seen in the world are formed” he said.

Heat is the root cause for a change. When you heat a substance there will be a change. Due to heat mango ripens. Due to heat the earthen pot blackens. Due to heat water boils. So Kanada claimed that heat was responsible for any change.

Kanada was a saint. He was in a hermitage. National Aeronautical Laboratory in Bangalore runs a science magazine in Kanada’s name. The magazine is Kanada.

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( 1827 - 1912)

Lord Joseph Lister was a British surgeon. He received his medical degree from university college, London. He was professor of surgery at Edinburg and later at King’s college hospital.

Lister studied Louis Pasteur’s work on micro organisms in fermentation process and thought that minute germs also cause infections. He developed techniques of antisceptic surgery. He developed techniques of antisceptic surgery. He established the British Institute of preventive medicine in 1893. It was called Lister institute after his death in 1912.

Lister involved Carbolic acid dressings, cleansing instruments and ligatures in carbolic solutions. Carbolic acid or phenol is a disinfectant that prevent all the post operative problems of infection.

Lister was the first physician to be elevated to the House of Lords. The honour was bestowed upon him by Queen Victoria. She was a patient of Lister earlier.

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An English chemist, John Dalton (1766-1844), went through this chain of reasoning. In this, he was greatly aided by a discovery he made. Two elements, he found, might, after all, combine in more than one set of proportions, but in so doing they exhibited a wide variation of combining proportions and different compound was formed for each variation

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( 1550 - 1617 )

Today we are all living in computer age. Logarithms are not much in vogue. But at one time even in 20th century for difficult mathematical calculations logarithms were the base. The concept of Logarithms was introduced by the British mathematician John Napier.

Napier was born in 1550 at Merchiston castle near Edinburgh. He entered the university of St.Andrews at the age of 13. But he left it early without obtaining a degree. He returned to his native after he traveled abroad. He married in 1572 but his wife died in 1579. Again he married.

In 1593 he wrote a book on the Church of Rome. In the book he had boldly said that the Popes of Church would destroy the world between 1688 and 1700. The book saw twenty one editions of which ten editions were sold during his life time.

He invented Napier Rod an instrument used for addition, subtraction and calculating, square roots. In 1593 he started working on logarithms. He prepared tables of natural logarithms; that is, logarithms to base ‘e’. These were later modified by Henry Briggs by using the number 10 as the base.

Napier did research on trigonometry. He contributed to the development of spherical trigonometry.

Description of Marvelons Canon of Logarithms (1614) and construction of the Marvelons Canon of logarithms (1620) are the two treatises published by Napier. Logarithm tables help students a method for speedy calculation.

Napier died on 4 April 1617 in his native place.

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(1891 - 1974)

Chadurick was the discoverer of Neutron. He found that when Beryllium was exposed to bombardment by Alpha particles, it released an unknown radiation. He interpreted this radiation as being composed of particles of mass approximately equal to that of the PROTON but having no charge, he called neutrons. Chadurick was a British physicist. He won Nobel prize in physics for his discovery of the NEUTRON in 1935.

The study of neutrons led the discovery of Nuclear Fission and the first Nuclear reactor.

Neutron is an elementrary particle that is a part of the atoms of all elements except normal hydrogen. It is present in the nucleus of the atom along with other particle Proton.

Reactor is an assembly in which nuclear Fission can be carried out in a controlled manner.

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Tuesday, February 10, 2009


( 1742 - 1786)

Swedish scientist, self-educated. He used to work as an assistant in pharmacies and showed a talent in chemistry from a very young age. In spite an offer made to him to study in London or Berlin, he operated a pharmacy in kipping where he spend the rest of his life and made all his important inventions. He was especially interest on chemical analysis and worked particularly with the chemical reactions between silver nitrate and sunlight, therefore making a break through in the chemistry of photography. The records from his experiments were of a great importance for the next generations of scientists.

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( 1874 - 1937)

Marconi is the inventor of wireless telegraphy and radio. He was born at Bologna in Italy on 25 April 1874. He was encouraged by his mother to do research. Marconi was conducting experiments in his father’s estate after he studied physics in a technical school. He showed interest in sending telegraphic messages without the help of wire. He had come to understand that Heirich Hertz had believed that radio waves could be used to carry messages. Marconi sent wireless messages. He positioned an electric bell in between many instruments in one corner of the room. He went to the other corner of the room and pressed the Morse Key. (Samuel Morse. The inventor of telegraphy). To his surprise the electric bell placed at a distance of 30 feet rang. The ringing of the bell with the radio waves was possible. In an another instance, he placed his self made transmitter on one side of a hill and received the message on the other side. This experiment made him to send messages to long distance also. By 1897 he had succeeded in rado communication over a distance 20 kilometres. He established the Marconi company in 1897. In 1899, He transmitted a radio signal across the English channel a distance of nearly 50 kilometres.

Marconi’s invention made radio broadcasting to begin in England on 14th February 1922. Radio is the term applied to methods of signaling through space, without connecting wires, by means of electromagnetic waves generated by high frequency alternating current.

Marconi was made the president of the Royal Italian Academy in 1930. Several changes took place in radio communication after its invention by Marconi. He lived to see all of them. He died on 20 July, 1937 in Rome. In 1909 Marconi received the Nobel Prize for his invention.

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(1909 - 1966 )

Famous Indian scientist who was instrumental in establishing the Atomic Energy commission in India. Bhabha was born on October 30, 1909 into a wealthy Parsi family. Even as a child he showed interest in science. His father wanted bhabha to become an engineer and sent him abroad for higher studies. But bhabha’s interest like Enrico Fermi and the Austrian Physicist Wolfgang Pauli.

Bhabha made research on cosmic rays. He joined the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Cosmic rays are fast moving, extremely small particles coming from outer space. They were detected first by V.F.Fless in 1912. Cosmic rays are atomic nuclei accelerated to very high energies. They are highly penetrating. When these rays enter the earth’s atmosphere they collide with the atoms in the air and produce showers of electrons. Along with W.Heitler, a German physicist Bhabha solved the mystery surrounding these rays. Bhabha recognized the presence of a new nuclear particle in the showers which he called ‘meson’. In 1940 he retuned to India from England as second world war broke. He was elected fellow of the royal society for his contributions relating to cosmic rays and quantum mechanics.

Due to the concerted efforts of Bhabha Tata institute of fundamental research was set up. He set up this institute with the encouragement of the then. Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru a prestigious centre for research in nuclear physics which later came to be known as the Bhabha Atomic research centre. Bhabha’s interest was to make India, a nuclear powered country. Under his guidance three atomic reactors Apsara, Cirus and Zerlina were built. He was also responsible for the construction of the country’s first atomic poer station at Tarapur. The station began in 1963. Two years later a plutonium plant was installed. He also encouraged research electronics, space science, radio astronomy and microbiology. The radio telescope at Ooty is one of his creations. He was of the attitude tha atom is for peace. He was one of the eminent members of the ‘atom for peace’ conference. It is on 24 January 1966 Bhabha died in an aircrash on his way to attend an international conference. He was 57.

Bhabha was a person of varied interests. He spend his spare time painting and writing poetry. He was fond of western classical music. He was a first class painter. His pencil sketches are famous. Few paintings of Bhabha are still preserved in British art galleries.

Homi Bhabha was a bachelor. He was once asked if he was married. ‘Yes’ he replied and then siling he added, ‘to creativity.’

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Today the doctors who came out of the universities take an oath that they serve mankind. The oath they take is in the name of Hippocrates, the father of Medicine. The oath runs as follows:
“Into whatever houses I enter, I enter to help the sick; If anyone shows interest in learning this process of treatment for implementation I shall offer guidance free of cost. My education is law abiding.”

Hippocrates was born on the Greek Island of COS. He was the son of a priest. In those days the Greeks believed that the people suffered from diseases because of the displeasure of Gods and the sick people had to go to the temple and accept ointment and medicines from the priests only. Hippocrates when he was brought up did not believe in this mode of healing of the patients. He believed only in the facts ascertained by experiments and observations in treating patients suffering from diseases. He said:”diseases are not God sent to be taken back by Gods”. He also said that every disease had its own explanatory cause and if this element of physical cause of the disease is detected they may be treated to cure it. Nothing is achieved by sleeping in temples and offering prayers.

According to Hippocrates nature is the best healer. In the treatment of disease nature plays an important role. In the maintenance of good health he advocated these facts namely (1) Creation of healthy or sick free atmosphere (2) Development of personal or individual habits.

Hippocrates depended upon hydro therapy. He used a mixture of hot and cold waters for the treatment of fever, wounds etc., He demonstrated as to how cold water bath would give comfort to man, retaining the body temperature also. He preferred Sub bath for TB patients. He said to them to drink fresh and good milk.

Hippocrates became successful because of his scientific approach. Experimentation, observation and inference. He detected the causes and the symptoms of the disease he cured. He told doctors to examine the patients carefully and note down the symptoms of the diseases and begin the treatment.

Hippocrates’s Aphorisms are popular.

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( 1540-1603 )

English physician; known for his early studies on electricity and magnetism. His De magnete (1600) propounded the theory that the earth was a giant lodestone with north and south magnetic poles. His theory that the earth exerted a magnetic influence throughout the solar system was a precursor to the modern conception of gravity as an attracting force between masses. Gilbert was among the first to divide substances into electrics (spar, glass, amber) and nonelectrics.
Centuries later, the English physicist William
Gilbert (1540-1603) was able to show that it was not amber alone that acted so, but that a number of other substances as well gained an attracting power when rubbed. About 1600, he suggested that substances of this sort be called "electrics", from the Greek word for amber.
As a result, a substance that gains such a power, through rubbing or otherwise, is said to carry an electric charge, or to contain electricity.

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( 1857 - 1894)

Hertz was a German Scientist. He opened the way for the development of radio. Television and RADAR with his discovery of electromagnetic waves.

Hertz was born on 22 February 1857 at Hamberg into a rich family. He studied architecture and mechanical engeneering. But he developed interest in science and research. He worked under Herman Won Helm Holt in Berlin university. He got his degree in 1880. He went to Keel as a teacher where he studied electro magnetism. Manwell had opined that electric and magnetic waves can be transmitted as light waves. Hertz desired to prove this statement. He made transmitters to transmit electro magnetic waves and receivers to receive them. This has helped today’s Radio, TV and Radar.

Hertz used a rapidly oscillating electric spark to produce waves of ultra high frequency. He showed that these waves caused similar electrical oscillations in a distant wire loop. He also showed that light waves and electromagnetic waves were identical thus proving James C.Maxwell’s theoretical conclusions.

Hertz determined the wave length. He confirmed that the speed of electro magnetic waves is equal to the speed of the light waves. It is 300 million metres.

Hertz is the SI unit of frequency of a periodic phenomenon. It is the number of repetitions of a periodic phenomenon per second. It is named after the scientist Heinrich Hertz. The symbol is Hz. Eg: the frequency of aleternating current used in India is 50 Hz.

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Haragobind Khurana, the Indian Scientist is the third Indian who won Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine in 1968. He shared it with Robert W.Holley and Marshall W.Nirenberg for interpretation of the genetic code and its function in protein synthesis.

Khurana was born on Jan 2, 1922 at Rajpur in Punjab. He was the son of a village tax collector. The family was illiterate in the entire village. But khurana studied well and passed degree examination from Lahore college. He took post graduate degree in chemistry in 1945 from Punjab university. Then he went to Manchester University for higher studies. He obtained his doctorate degree in 1948. On his return to India, he was disappointed. He could not get a job for many months. He went back to England and worked with Nobel Laureate Sir Alexander Todd at Cambridge University. In 1952 he went to Canada and married the daughter of M.P.Switzerland.

Khurana helped to decipher the Genetic Code by recreating Synthetically each of the 64 possible triplets of DNA (De onyribo nucleic acid) which work in combination as instructions for the protein synthesizing mechanism of the cell. He succeeded in Synthesizing the first wholly artificial gene. It was E.coli or Escherichia coli.

E.Coli is a bacteria that lives in the intestines of human beings and animals. Khorana and his team worked to build a gene of this organism. Piece by Piece they built up the 207 genes of this bacteria. In August 1976, the man made gene was inserted into E.Coli which began to work like the natural gene. Khorana’s achievements made available a technique to change genes and observe the results of those changes.

Khorana is the recipient of many awards. To mention a few he has been given Merch award of the chemical institute of Canada, Gold medal of the professional institute of Canadian public service, Dannie Heineman prize, Lasker foundation award and Louis Horutiz prize.

Khorana has published more than 300 papers on genetic research. He is Padma Bhushan.

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(1892 - 1964 )

Haldane was an English born Indian biologist. He was born on November 5, 1892 at oxford. Even as a child he was different from other children. When he was a two year old he was immitating the faces of various dogs. He was experimenting upon himself. His father was a noted physiologist. He helped his father in experiments. He learnt many languages and read books on various subjects. He was sharp in mathematics which brought him Russell prize at 16. He was taught at Cambridge and at university college in London. He did reaserch in Biochemistry. In 1925 he showed interest in genetics and elected the fellow of Royal Society in 1932. He was made professor of Genetics in University college, London.

He decided to emigrate to India in 1957 and got citizenship in 1961. He didn’t go back to England. He made contributions to several diverse subjects such as medicine, evolution, physiology, genetics, biochemistry, mathematics and cosmology. He estimated the rate of mutation of a human gene. He said that mutation, the sudden change in a gene occurs once for every 50,000 people per generation. He wrote two books titled ‘Enzymes’ (1930) and ‘The causes of Evolution’ (1932). They are scientific classics. His discoveries in biochemistry have been known as laws of enzyme chemistry.

He did research in physiology also. He found how chemicals, CO2 gas, ice cold temperature affect breath. He discovered cure for tetanus and convulsions. His book ‘My friend Mr.Losakey’ is specially written for children.

While in India, he was inspired by Hindu philosophy and the principle of nonviolence. He liked to wear dhoti and kurta. He was appointed a professor at the Indian statistical institute, Kolkata. He was director, Genetics and Biometry laboratory, Bhuvaneshwar. He died of cancer at Bhuvaneshwar at the age of 71. Even at his death bed he was cheerful and wrote a poem ‘Cancer’s a Funny Thing’. He had made research on colour blindness and haemophilia.

John burdon Sanderson Haldane, Popularised science during his life time. He was also a social worker.

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German chemist, Justus von Liebig (1803-1873) who, by 1831, could obtain fairly reliable empirical formulas as a result. (Liebig was one of the great chemistry teachers of all time. He taught at the University of Giessen, where he established the first real laboratory course in chemistry. Numerous chemists studied with him and learned laboratory procedures from him. Liebig was one of the influences making chemistry, in which France had been pre-eminent in the eighteenth century, almost a German monopoly in the nineteenth century.) Soon afterward, in 1833, the French chemist Jean Baptiste Andre Dumas (1800-1884) devised a modification of the method, one which allowed the chemist to collect nitrogen also among the products of combustion. In this way one could determine the proportions of nitrogen in an organic substance.

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( 1849 - 1936)

Pavlov was a Russian physiologist who won the 1904 Nobel prize in physiology or medicine for unraveling the mechanism of the digestive process and his work provided psychology with a more objective methodology and led to new methods of treating mental illness. Using dogs for experiments he established the idea of conditioned reflexes which for example, makes a pre conditioned dog salivate merely on hearing a bell, in expectation of food though it may not be actually there.

Pavlov demonstrated his theory of conditioned reflex in 1901. In 1920 he extended his theory of animal behaviour to human psychology. He invented new techniques in his work. He provided a foundation for modern gas troenterology and behaviourist school of psychology.

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( 1807 - 1887)

The most unfortunate from the pioneers of photography. Discovered one direct positive photographic method. He was the first person to hold a photographic exhibition (for humanitarian reasons) and the first who combined two negatives to created one print (called Combination Printing). As a civil servant and with five hundred franks that received as financial help from Arago for improving his method, prevented him from presenting the discovery of photography at the French Academy of Sciences.

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