Francis Bacon was a person of high ambition. He intended to develop science for the benefit of society. He wanted science to rule. He lived luxuriously. He used to spend more than his income. He was discontent. He never took rest.
Bacon was born in 1561. His father Nicolas Bacon was a security officer to Queen Elizabeth. His mother was Lady Anne Cooke. She knew several languages and helped Bacon to get educated. He went to Cambridge to study in Trinity College. He studied there for three years. But he did not like the teaching methods and left college. He felt that he has taken birth to serve human. He was a thinker. He was appointed English ambassador in France at the age of 16. his father died in 1579. Bacon didn’t get any property from his father. He returned to England and became unemployed. He fell in poverty. He worked hard to get success.
Francis bacon was elected to parliament in 1583. He was popular. In 1606 he was Solicitor general and Advocate general in 1613. He became the Lord Chancellor in 1618.
Francis Bacon was of he opinion that a scientist should rule a state. He felt that a Governor of a state should do jobs like seeing development of industries, inventing new gases and use them for treating diseases, improve surgery skills by doing experiments on animals etc.,
Bacon died on April 5, 1626 at the age 65.
Bacon was born in 1561. His father Nicolas Bacon was a security officer to Queen Elizabeth. His mother was Lady Anne Cooke. She knew several languages and helped Bacon to get educated. He went to Cambridge to study in Trinity College. He studied there for three years. But he did not like the teaching methods and left college. He felt that he has taken birth to serve human. He was a thinker. He was appointed English ambassador in France at the age of 16. his father died in 1579. Bacon didn’t get any property from his father. He returned to England and became unemployed. He fell in poverty. He worked hard to get success.
Francis bacon was elected to parliament in 1583. He was popular. In 1606 he was Solicitor general and Advocate general in 1613. He became the Lord Chancellor in 1618.
Francis Bacon was of he opinion that a scientist should rule a state. He felt that a Governor of a state should do jobs like seeing development of industries, inventing new gases and use them for treating diseases, improve surgery skills by doing experiments on animals etc.,
Bacon died on April 5, 1626 at the age 65.
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