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Wednesday, February 11, 2009


( 1867 - 1934 )

A lady scientist Marie Curie who discovered Radium was born at Warsaw in Poland. Her name was Marie-Sklodowska. She married Pierre Curie who was also a scientist and became famous as Madam Curie.

Madam Curie was fortunate. Both her parents were teachers. Her childhood was spent in studies and at 16. She came out of highschool with a gold medal. In 1891 she went to Paris and obtained science degree from Sakhan university. There she fell in love with Pierre and they got married.

Madam curie started her carrer in science with Prof.Henri Becquerel, the discoverer of radio activity. Both husband and wife did research. Their mutual interest was in magnetism. After Becquerel discovered that Uranium salts emitted rays that resembled X-rays, the Curies set out to discover whether there were other substances that emitted such rays. They finally managed to isolate the radium metal in 1910. to do this research the Curie couple requested the government of Bohomia to donate 10,000 kgs. Of uranium pitchblende free of cost. It was found in plenty there. They gotit free of cost. For months together the couple did a lot of hard work to extract radium from it. For this work Marie Curie, Pierre Curie and Becquerel received the Nobel prizefor physics in 1903.

In 1911 Madam Curie wa awarded the Nobel prize in chemistry for her work on the isolation of radium and polonium and for the study of the chemical properties of these elements.

Soon after the discovery, radium was found effective in the treatment of cancer. The Curies had a daughter and she was Irene curie who married Fredric Juliot. Both Irene and Juliot were scientist and they were awended Nobel Prize in 1935 for chemistry. They synthesized artificial radio active substances.

In 1906 Pierre died in a road accident. Marie Curie established Curie Insitute of Radium. An element ‘Curium’ is named after her and a unit of radio activity ‘Curie’ have been named in her honour.

Throughout her life Marie Curie was exposed to radio active substances. She died of leukemia and blood cancer on July 4, 1934.

The life of Marie and Pierre Curie shows how they were devoted to science. The entire Curie family worked for the benefit of mankind.


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